Hey there, I had my first week of classes last week. I am taking Statistics Engr based, Mechanic of Fluids, Environmental Engr and Micro Biology, and an art and history class. All of my teachers are really good and are real good at keeping their students attention, so it should be a good semester in the academic department. Last night (Saturday) Dan and I went downtown to see a part that we havnt yet. Its along the Singapore river and goes by the name of Clarke Quay and Boat Quay and is really where all the night life occurs in Singapore. We walked around for a little bit and then got some drinks and sat on the "bridge" which is in the center of Clarke Quay and where alot of our fellow classmates meet up and hang out for the night. While we were sitting there we noticed triangles flying over the river just a little ways up the shoreline. We decided to check it out and and found out it was actually rc planes made out of kites with led's all over them to light them up. They had a store near by that sold them and had info about them, so I picked up a business card so I could look at them back to my room. They are really cool, and if you want to watch a movie of them or see pics
click here. Supposedly 3 years ago for Singapore's 42nd national day, they flew 42 of them over the harbor. Anyways I found it all real interesting. If you want to see more pics of our adventure at Clarke Quay
click here. I probably wont post again until a week from this monday. We are planning on going to Bintan Indonesia next weekend which is about a 55 min boat ride south of Singapore.
Until then, peace,
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